Rotary Drum Separators

由于各种原因,乳品生产者可以使用转鼓从粪肥流中分离固体, including regulatory compliance, nutrient management, ease of manure application, or to produce flume or sand separation make-up water.

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Rotary Drums are used for a variety of applications, including food processing and manure thickening and separation. 其他一些应用包括用于营养管理的奶牛粪便分离, thickening manure pre-digestion, food processing, and debris and tramp material removal.

转鼓将粪肥分成两部分:浓缩粪肥固体的较厚部分, and a less concentrated liquid portion.

How Rotary Drum Separators Work

使用转鼓进行液固分离是一个简单的过程,广泛应用于许多行业. Some of these industries include wastewater, dairy, and food processing.

Several key components make up a rotary drum separator. 包含筛网部分的圆柱形滚筒是发生分离的地方. 它通常在每一端都有空白部分,允许它在耳轴轮上休息和旋转. 这些车轮靠在轴承上,轴承与加工材料是隔离的. 来自电机的动力通过带状带系统传送到滚筒, which provides the rotational movement of the drum. 滚筒的这种旋转运动是必要的,以便不断地将干净的筛网引入液体,并通过滚筒推进物料. 皮带传动系统保持滚筒旋转,同时提供一些安全,如果滚筒超载. 支撑架和屏蔽提供支撑滚筒和驱动系统的手段, 同时也包含液体和固体,并将它们引导到适当的位置. Safety is also accomplished by these shields.

含有需要分离的物料的液体被泵入旋转筛的进料段. 大部分液体和细颗粒通过筛网, 而比屏幕开口大的材料则被捕获在屏幕上. 筛网的联合旋转运动和内部飞行推动物料从入口段到出料口. 当物料移动到出口时,它开始翻滚,沿途释放液体. 脱水后的物料从与进料端相对的端排出,并被进一步处理或输送到存储位置.

Why McLanahan Rotary Drum Separators

旋转滚筒独特的模块化设计可以设计,以满足大多数乳品业务的特定粪肥分离要求, including those with existing Sand Separation Systems. 大量的测试已经证明,McLanahan旋转鼓可以根据粪便的总固体和筛选去除高达35%的总固体. 它们可以改善水质,用于砂石分离、冲水槽供应和土地应用. Designed for safe and simple operation, Rotary Drums are totally enclosed for safe and clean operation. The internally fed rotary screen includes an automated, high-pressure, clean-in-place system that keeps it operating at peak performance. The drum rests on four heavy-duty trunnion wheels. 一体式车轮和轴设计由三屏蔽轴承支持. Unlike other trunnion systems, 这是一个设计的方式,轴承不操作的路径内的粪便, ensuring they will have a long service life. 一个集中的远程润滑脂库允许轴承快速润滑脂. 数月的测试和数年的操作经验证明,McLanahan旋转鼓分离器是去除粪便固体和清理工艺水的最有效和最具成本效益的机器之一.

Frequently Asked Questions About Rotary Drum Separators

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处理率是根据筛孔尺寸和所处理的物料而定. This chart shows processing rates for dairy manure.

标准的就地清洁系统使用高压增压泵,在整个运行周期的一小段时间内提供高于水龙头压力的水压. This chart shows the average flow rate used during the operating cycle.

Separating dairy manure is not simply a particle size differentiation process. It looks more like a thickening process where a mixture of liquid, large and small fibers are captured on the screen, 这通常需要减少粪便液体中总固体的1%. 如果进料总固体含量为8%,则流出滚筒的液体总固体含量约为7%.

This is a good question and one that we get asked a lot. The answer to it really depends on what you are trying to accomplish.   

开口1/8”或更大的筛网被认为是粗筛,主要用于去除较大的粪便颗粒. 如果你想让一些物质远离你的泻湖,这个屏幕会被使用, 或者你想做一些绿色的床上用品,你也在用 Roll Press. In either case, this screen would remove the larger particles, but the overall capture of fibers would be relatively low, most likely less than 20%. 如果你想去除尽可能多的物质,以创造清洁的工艺用水, we would recommend the 18 mesh screen. 对于我们的标准滤网来说,这种滤网的开口最小,也能产生最干净的工艺水. The overall removal of fibers with this screen could be as high as 45%. 如果在将粪便放入营养分离系统之前需要很高的去除率,这个18目筛网也是一个很好的选择. 辊压机常用于脱水从转筛出来的加厚物料. If an 18 mesh screen is used, 由于存在大量的细纤维,辊压机将有更多的困难脱水材料.   


Rotary Drums are used for a variety of applications, including food processing and manure thickening and separation.

Features & benefits
  • 可互换的穿孔筛管、网状筛管或组合筛管可定制性能
  • Totally enclosed system for a safe and clean operation
  • Centralized lubrication system
  • Removable drum
  • 304 stainless steel construction
  • Low horsepower, efficient drive system
  • High-pressure, automated, clean-in-place system
  • 一件,轴装聚氨酯耳轴车轮与三重密封轴承

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Our customer service team is here to help you 24/7. 我们可以为您运送零件,派遣现场服务技术人员到您的现场,并回答您的任何问题. Whatever you need, we are here for you.

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